Political Theatre

-November-End Scene-

If  you haven’t been involved in politics AND theatre, let me clue you in that they are similar endeavors in many ways.

You need a cast, and a crew….definitely an excellent director. Improvisation has it’s place, but there is a balance of control over the body of the production that is critical to keeping a coherence for the sake of  your audience and their involvement. The other end of that scale is cast and crew being satisfied that they are heard and appreciated so that you get the best out of them.

Then there are less esoteric comparisons. In the last push before the Election/Show, long hours on the phone making calls and knocking on doors = losing your voice and living on energy drinks and cough drops the same way that evening after evening of rehearsals and running lines does.

There is a Post Show “depression” for lack of a better word. The let down isn’t even necessarily related to how well you have done as much as the lack of purpose once the work is done. Strange mix of relief and longing and the feeling of “never again” that you know isn’t probably true.

So, here I am in the throes of wondering if I continue. Wondering how.

I have been told in the past I’d be happier working on a campaign (as compared to the party politics I’ve been immersed in for some years now). I still don’t know if that is true. I need more time removed from it; but I do know that I don’t feel the giddy addiction of being bitten by the “campaign bug” that I’ve heard professionals describe happening to them. I’m not sure if I would feel differently if I’d been in a different position. Time will tell if I am ever again offered the opportunity, and whether I will take it.

I will say I am happy with my reviews 🙂

I’ve had kind words of encouragement from sometimes surprising sources. A couple of messages online, and even on my voicemail (I was NOT answering the phone on Nov. 3rd!!!) from folks who are diametrically opposed to myself on the political spectrum were kind enough express condolences on the results and tell me that they appreciate my hard work. Building bridges like that is very gratifying.

I got a message from someone who worked here on the Obama campaign who must have read my mind-encouraging me to not give up, assuring me there was only so much I could have done, and reminding me that I’m setting a good example for my children.

My immediate “boss” told me I did a good job, he was proud of the work I did.

….and there are still folks expecting me to keep on moving forward; I am loathe to let them down.

My family needs me at home more. The kids need me at school more. I need to do something about fostering friendships in my life. Politics started as a replacement for a social life-but it never burgeoned into one.

I need to make more jewelry, and find a venue in which to sell it so the hobby can at least support itself-and help me connect with my own creativity and with other creative people so that I have relationships not based in the business of politics (which is almost exclusively what I’ve got these days). I hope Rob gets more gigs, because that is also a great way to meet like minded folks that I miss SO much since “The Fret” is gone.

So, this is a start. I’m writing. I used to write a LOT, creatively. Perhaps writing about politics will be my next undertaking – LOL, as if I didn’t have enough to do.

Thanks for reading. Thanks to those of you who have given me kind words, and volunteer time, and moral support these last 6 or so years, and especially these last 5 months.

Now….I should probably figure out how to link my etsy here…hmmm….

SEC, ABNO, etc.

Well, we finally had the SEC and it was grand 🙂

The next #ABNO has taken longer than we had planned to plan. Those of us who DO go to formal meeting have been up to our eyeballs in them lately.

So….I’m thinking 202 Wines in Mooresville for our next one. March 19th? (it’s a Friday). I will try and get it on the ABNO blog today.

We had a good time, really good conversation and good beer at the last one!

SEC-cancelled, bummer

Actually, I’m more upset about not getting to use my Bump app than about the meeting being cancelled I think-LOL.

I’m looking forward to fridays A Brighter Night Out. I hope we get a good turn out!

Tomorrow night is Theology On Tap here in Statesville. The last one was really excellent. I look forward to it. A great group of folks, which is necessary. You have to have a good head on your shoulders and an open mind to talk about such things, especially with beer 😉  I thought I’d sit quietly for the first meeting (stop snickering, you!), but ended up comfortable enough in the room to give my two cents a couple of times. The folks there were so respectful. I guess I’m used to Democrats just butting in and talking as if I weren’t? I was amazed to have people be quiet and listen to what I said and not respond until I was clearly finished!

Hello world!

Okay, I’m totally not changing the title of the post-nerd that I am. If you don’t “get it” check out the Wiki entry or something.

So, here’s the blog. People ask me if I blog all the time, the answer for many years now has been “sort of”. I mean, I’ve got a livejournal account, but don’t use it often. I have a blog set up at BlueNC, but, again, don’t really use it. I spend a fair amount of time on Facebook and check my Twitter pretty much every day. I manage the websites and FB Groups for the Iredell County Democratic Party and NC10Dems (such as it is…the website has, um, issues beyond my control sometimes).

There’s a fair chance I’ll finally start actually blogging. My primary challenge is this: about what?!

Not for lack of ideas, it’s just that there seems to be a huge gap in what my interests are inside of and outside of politics. Politics is a really big part of my life, but I love music and art (and some of it is very avant garde I suppose). Folks wanting all the political information and insight I could provide won’t likely be interested to read about my husbands’ next gig, or the lyrics I’m working on, or the jewelry I’m making….

I guess I’m not quite vain enough to think I’m interesting enough to blog all the time. I did it for Media General from the Convention (DNCC Denver ’08), but that was just dropping them emails they could put on their site and in the newspapers, and it was definitely topical.

Okay. Well, from  here I guess we’ll just see what happens. I’ll try not to bore you if you’re here because you found me via something cool like RTs of Neil Gaiman and Enter The Haggis, and I’ll try not to shock  you too much if you’re here because you’re interested in what the Democratic Party is up to 😉

Welcome to my actual blog. Please join us for “A Brighter Night Out” (also blogging here and can be found on FB and Twitter).
